
HSMAI British Columbia Membership

Where Innovators Come Together

HSMAI British Columbia memberships offer an unmatched resource for bringing together the region’s best professionals in hospitality. Connect with like-minded peers, enhance your industry expertise with educational opportunities, and stay ahead of the latest industry trends.

Become A Member

Has Its Perks

Membership Types

Hotel/Associate $295/Year

Who Qualifies: Individual or first member from your company. HSMAI also offers discounted options for packages of 10 or more memberships and special opportunities for Organizational Membership.

Key Benefits:

  • A Competitive Edge: Weekly Insights from sales, marketing, and revenue optimization experts
  • Tools & Insights: Free members-only access to the HSMAI University webinar archives, for webinars older than six months
  • Marketing Intelligence: Best practices and case studies from the industry’s top marketers
  • Industry Discipline-Specific Education: Exclusive access to extensive online Knowledge Center resources
  • Peer Network: Local, national, and international contacts
  • Group Business Leads: Customized leads for your needs
  • Significant Savings: Special member pricing on all HSMAI programs, events, and publications
Partner/Supplier $395/Year

Who Qualifies: Individual or first member from your company.

Key Benefits:

  • A Competitive Edge: Customer market and business knowledge from HSMAI programs and publications to build your business strategy and opportunities
  • Business Development: Networking & relationship building with customers and potential customers
  • Tools & Insights: Free members-only access to the HSMAI University webinar archives, for webinars older than six months
  • Leadership Opportunities: Development of today's and tomorrow’s industry leaders through participation in chapter boards, executive advisory boards, and committees
  • Speaker & Sponsorship Opportunities: Thought leadership, branding, and product support through participation at national and chapter educational programs
  • Industry Discipline-Specific Education: Exclusive access to extensive online Knowledge Center resources
  • Peer Network: Access to HSMAI members worldwide
  • Significant Savings: Special member pricing on all HSMAI programs, events, and publications
Faculty Membership $50/Year

Who Qualifies: University or collegiate faculty members.

Key Benefits:

  • Expanded Student Curriculum: Access to current hospitality resources, publications, and educational program content to support and complement academic coursework
  • Industry Network for Students: Internships, job fairs, and participation in HSMAI chapter boards and programs
  • Hospitality Academic Network: Connection and best business practice exchange with other hospitality faculty
  • Expanded Industry Network: A way to connect with today’s industry leaders through chapter and program participation
  • A Voice in Industry Research: Involvement in HSMAI, HSMAI Foundation, and HSMAI University research and education
  • Current Industry Research and White Papers: Access to the latest industry research and white papers
  • Industry Discipline-Specific Education: Exclusive access to extensive online Knowledge Center resources
Student Membership $50/Year

Who Qualifies: University and/or college students.

Key Benefits:

  • A Competitive Edge: Industry contacts, business experience and key industry knowledge to build job opportunities and a successful hospitality future
  • Expanded Curriculum: HSMAI programs and education that will complement academic learning
  • Leadership Building Experience: A way to learn how to be a better leader by being a leader in your local HSMAI chapter or in your collegiate chapter
  • Mentoring: Connect with today’s industry leaders through chapter and program participation
  • Industry Experience: Internships, job fairs, and participation in HSMAI chapter boards and programs
  • Scholarship Opportunity: Scholarship opportunities offered annually by the HSMAI Foundation
  • Industry Discipline-Specific Education: Exclusive access to extensive online Knowledge Center resources